Alumni and Careers

Photo of Parker Lemal-Brown behind her computer

Parker Lemal-Brown

Class of: 2018

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Major(s): Sociology

Minor(s): Francophone Studies

I’m a TV development intern at a Hollywood production company. I read and review scripts sent in by talent agents and producers. I also research books and articles to get ideas for new shows!


批判性思考和快速写作的能力对于良好的脚本覆盖是必不可少的. I honed those skills at Bowdoin, thanks to all of those essay assignments! The spirit of the Common Good will definitely guide my career in entertainment. I want to create series that are both entertaining and socially responsible.

Has studying Sociology impacted your perspective?

社会学允许我对生活的各个方面都保持好奇和批判. 我喜欢它鼓励人们对我们通常认为理所当然的事情进行全局思考和分析. 通过社会学,我找到了回到创意写作的道路,并证明了即使是娱乐也能深刻地影响社会的运作方式. 社会学是一个特殊的镜头,它迫使我考虑每个问题的各个方面,超越本能的判断. 社会学的想象力是讲故事的一个很好的入口——它是十大靠谱网投平台找到我们是谁以及为什么的根源.

What are the one or two events, courses or people that stand out in your mind from your time at Bowdoin?

Researching, writing, 并在十大靠谱网投平台师生的帮助下,制作了我的第一部长篇戏剧. And sleeping in the President’s office as a first-year to protest for divestment!

Do you have any advice for current student at Bowdoin?

Don’t be afraid to try things and don’t be afraid to quit things. Say yes to as many opportunities as possible, but be patient with yourself. 你可能想做一些学校不提供的东西,这可能会让你感到沮丧. But there are always resources available for you to use to do that thing yourself, and plenty of people willing to support / guide you. Follow your passions fully while you are in a small, nurturing space. Go abroad! Join a new club! Perform! Protest! Whatever! Define your own comfort zone and constantly push the boundaries.


Pamela Zabala

Pamela Zabala

Class of: 2017

Location: Durham, NC

Major(s): Sociology

Minor(s): Africana Studies

I am a PhD student in the Sociology program at Duke University. Right now, I'm making my way through the coursework for the degree, but I eventually hope to do research on migration, race, and politics in the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, as well as identity formation among immigrants in the United States.

What is your occupation? What is your current job (roles and responsibilities)?

I am a PhD student in the Sociology program at Duke University. 在开始研究生学习之前,我是马萨诸塞州一家律师事务所的律师助理,专门从事家庭和商业移民法律. 我的职责是协助以家庭为基础的实践,并直接与那些想要获得合法身份并在美国建立自己生活的外国人合作. I hope to use this experience to inform my own research and future work.


At Bowdoin, I never felt like I was learning just for the sake of learning, and my classes and my work always felt purposeful and related to real-world issues. I feel that this really laid the groundwork for my path to graduate school, 我希望在我正在做的工作和未来希望做的工作中采取同样的方法, especially around issues of race, identity, and belonging.

Has studying Sociology and Anthropology impacted your perspective (personally, professionally, or other)? If so, how?

Studying Sociology has made me more aware of the things going on around me, and opened my eyes to a lot of issues that are sometimes taken for granted. 我的研究还告诉我,看待问题的方法不止一种, 在思考一个特定的问题或研究问题时要保持开放的心态,因为有时我们认为正在发生的事情或我们从外部感知到的事情并不能反映实际发生的事情. Personally, 我最喜欢这个领域的是,它给了我解决我一生中一直在问的问题的工具, 但它允许我这样做,同时从各种角度和方法来获得更全面的画面.

What are the one or two events, courses or people that stand out in your mind from your time at Bowdoin?

Two things that stand out to me from my time at Bowdoin are my advisors, who went above and beyond for four years to work with me, challenge me, and push me to be a better student and sociologist, and my theory class with Dr. Theo Greene, 是哪一种学术催化剂促使我进行独立研究,并更认真地考虑读研.

Do you have any advice for current student at Bowdoin?


evan baughman photo

Evan Baughman

Class of: 2017

Location: Boston, MA

Major(s): Sociology

I'm currently an Account Associate at EMI Strategic Marketing, a small marketing/consulting agency in Boston. 作为社交媒体团队的一员,我在一家大型金融服务公司做客户. My role is largely concerned with managing, measuring the effectiveness of, and making recommendations for our client's social media presence.


十大靠谱网投平台大学学习社会学给了我一套独特的技能,使我与大多数从事金融和广告工作的人明显不同. Most notably, 社会学专业使我具备了在更大的理解结构框架中轻松处理特定复杂问题和处理大量数据的必要技能. Both frequently come in handy in marketing. 毫无疑问,学习如何准确而细致地有效地记录人们的行为和行为是分析市场和购买行为的宝贵资产.

Has studying Sociology and Anthropology impacted your perspective (personally, professionally, or other)? If so, how?

社会学通过阐明无处不在的社会结构,对我如何看待和体验世界产生了不可估量的影响, constantly influencing the lives of myself and others. Moreover, sociology has also given me an especially valuable, 事实证明,宏观视角对我在十大靠谱网投平台毕业后找到自己在世界上的位置很有用.

What are the one or two events, courses or people that stand out in your mind from your time at Bowdoin?

格林教授的社会理论经典课给我留下了许多美好的回忆. 我最欣赏这门课的是,我接触到了广泛的有影响力的社会理论,这些理论不可逆转地改变了我的世界观,并不断地告诉我如何解读当前的事件. 这门课程有时也特别具有挑战性,这使我成为一个更熟练的社会思想家.

Do you have any advice for current student at Bowdoin?

我能给十大靠谱网投平台社会学专业学生的最重要的一般性建议是,拥抱你的社会学想象力,并在课堂内外继续培养它. 拥有一种协调的社会学想象力将在许多意想不到的地方证明是有用的,并为你提供一种非常有价值和有益的方式来观察和体验世界. Also, start learning how to network successfully as early as possible.

Caroline Martinez

Caroline Martinez

Class of: 2016

Location: Quito, Ecuador

我目前正在拉丁美洲社会科学学院攻读性别与发展硕士学位,并在ICONOS兼职, a social science journal based in Quito.


Bowdoin helped me improve the way I write, analyze social issues and think critically about research and the way society works.

Has studying Sociology and Anthropology impacted your perspective (personally, professionally, or other)? If so, how?

Yes! 学习社会学影响了我的个人生活,因为它帮助我把我在生活中看到和经历的问题用语言表达出来, but didn´t know how to explain. 在专业上,我觉得我学会了如何对社会的组织方式持更加批判的态度, which has been helpful in every project I have worked in and job I’ve had.

What are the one or two events, courses or people that stand out in your mind from your time at Bowdoin?

纳尔逊教授的《十大靠谱网投平台》是一门美妙而又令人不安的课! ResLife与Nelson教授和其他教职员工和学生的第一次种族培训是一次令人兴奋的经历!

Do you have any advice for current student at Bowdoin?

Bowdoin has a huge amount of resources, 当你开始被虚幻的生活压得喘不过气来的时候,利用它们来做出改变,花点时间放松一下.